Topic: In the News

Financing tips for heading back-to-school

Personal finance expert Barry Choi features RBCx's youth money management app, Mydoh, in his "Financing tips for heading back-to-school" segment on Breakfast Television.

Financing tips for heading back-to-school2024-05-28T14:58:53-04:00

Bridges Matter to Sammer Haq

Sammer Haq, Head of Data and Analytics at RBCx's youth money management app, Mydoh, was interviewed about her professional journey and founding not-for-profit BridgeTO, which create opportunities in underserved communities.

Bridges Matter to Sammer Haq2024-05-28T14:58:51-04:00

Mydoh won two Canadian Public Relations Society awards

Mydoh won two Canadian Public Relations Society awards, taking home Silver for New Product or Service Launch Campaign of the Year and Bronze for Best Use of Media Relations for last year's brand launch.

Mydoh won two Canadian Public Relations Society awards2024-05-28T14:59:04-04:00

This concierge tool makes moving a breeze for Canadians

RBCx's moving concierge, MoveSnap, was featured in View The VIBE, talking about how the platform creates a seamless moving experience for homeowners and renters

This concierge tool makes moving a breeze for Canadians2024-05-28T14:59:18-04:00