Events Science for CFOs
Science for CFOs

Discussion Participants

Brianna Huycke
Brianna Huycke


Bruce Cousins
Bruce Cousins

Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals

James Helliwell
James Helliwell

Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals

About this Event

Join us on June 25th at 1:00 p.m. EST / 10:00 a.m. PST for a riveting discussion moderated by our very own, Brianna Huycke, AVP of Life Sciences at RBCx, joined by Eupraxia Pharmaceuticals’ James Helliwell, CEO & Co-Founder and Bruce Cousins, CFO & President.

This dynamic duo will discuss the importance of understanding one another’s perspective when it comes to both the scientific and financial side of running Life Sciences startups. How deep into science should CFOs go? How intricate should their knowledge be about the “tech” side of the business? What do all CFOs wish the scientific teams could better understand about finance? Why should those building IP and research know about finance? How does it improve their understanding about the business? And many more!

Science for CFOs

This Event concluded on:

June 25, 2024 - 1:00PM to 2:00PM ET

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